FAQ - Krystal Gem



Frequently Asked Questions

I just made my purchase. How many days will it take to arrive?

After your order has been confirmed, please expect to receive your item within 2-3 weeks. But depending on your location, if you’re near the merchant, it can only take about 5 days.

How much do I have to pay for shipping cost?

Shipping rates will vary from country to country. It will be calculated as you make your purchase, before completing your order.

Will taxes be included in my purchase?

It is a must to declare the full value of your item as per custom laws. However, regarding the charges and how much it will cost if applicable, will depend on your country since custom policies differ from each country.

How do I make my first purchase?

Our mode of payment is through PayPal accounts and credit/debit cards but no need to worry because rest-assured your private data will be safe and secure with our PCI-compliant payment gateways.


  1. Open the Krystal Gem website, search for the item you wish to purchase, then click on it to read more about the details and its features.
  2. Select the colors, sizes, bundles, etc. (if applicable) and click on “Add To Cart”.
  3. You will then be directed to the Shopping Cart summary on the right side of your screen, where you can freely choose to continue scrolling for you to find more items or just proceed to check out.
  4. After clicking on the “Checkout” button, fill in the required details and information needed. To prevent any error in the transaction, always double check every detail most especially your mailing address and phone number so delivering your item will be easy and smooth.
  5. After which, you can now proceed with your payment using your PayPal balance or credit/debit card. Always check and confirm payments details after filling in in order for your purchase to push through.
  6. The last step is to click on “Complete Order” so we can process your order. After clicking, you will be directed to your order status page. The details here will be important so you can keep track of your item so we strongly suggest you save, bookmark, or copy this page. And you’re done making your purchase!


Are warranties applicable on your items in case I receive broken or damaged items?

In cases like this, you don’t have to worry because we offer you a no-questions-asked return policy of 30 days right after receiving your damaged item. To learn more about this, refer to the Return Policy Guidelines here!

When will you restock? The size or color I want is already out of stock.

There is no absolute date when it comes to restocking since we’ve partnered with various merchants around the world so this may vary for each merchant. However, you can always send us an email anytime if the product you wish to buy is out of stock so we can address this issue to our merchant right away.

My item is damaged when it arrived. How can I return it?

If you wish to return your item, please send an email to our customer representative so you can be guided on returns. Another way is you can also check our Returns Policy page so will know what can and cannot be returned.

How can I contact you?

You can contact us easily through hello@krystalgem.com. For you to be updated, you can also subscribe to our email list for our special promotions so you can get better deals on our items in store.