Crevimo™ - Krystal Gem
Your Natural Brain Enhancer

In our everyday life, there is so much to do with so little time that multitasking has become an important part of the day, making our brain mentally exhausted. But now with Crevimo, it doesn’t only heal your cognitive functions, it also keeps your mind active and at constant attention!

 So, give your mind the boost it needs with Crevimo™, with just one drop at a time.

100% Bergamot Essential Oil

Extracted from the special bergamot orange trees, Crevimo™ essential oil is of superior quality. It was traditionally used in Japan to stimulate and re-balance vital energy, helping our minds and bodies to stay active.

With a citrusy and fresh scent, it triggers the brain to produce good chemicals to nurture our brain. All these chemicals produced come together to make sure your mind is in peak condition all day, not only improving your cognitive abilities but also helping people who have ADHD and anxiety.

Benefits of Crevimo™

  • Enhances cognitive abilities

  • Reduces risk of brain decline

  • Soothes stress, anxiety, and nervousness

  • Improves concentration and focus

  • Reduces headaches and nausea

  • Positively boosts mood
How to Use Crevimo™

Crevimo™ can be applied in a variety of ways. The following are some suggested applications:

 Add 2-5 drops to a diffuser or you can also dab it in vaporizers to distribute its scent in a room or add it to a potpourri.
Mix 2-5 drops of essential oil with a carrier oil. Recommended to apply on temples or pressure points on the body.

Note: For best results, 3 bottles are needed to complete one full treatment.

My father is 80 years old and he’s suffering from dementia. He kept forgetting where he was most of the time and even got lost a couple of times, which had always made me worry. But now, my father’s life finally changed for the better after I bought Crevimo™. I started noticing within a week of putting it on that he became clearer than he ever was. He remembers the directions back home without needing a map and even stops accidentally eating the same meal twice! Thank you Crevimo™, for helping him to remember and letting him live in his 80s to the fullest with ease.

Ingrid Johnson, IL

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My 5-year-old son was always struggling to stay focused in class. He had a very hard time in school, he even almost got expelled. After we discovered that he had ADHD, I tried everything by sending him to therapy and every doctor but nothing worked. It was only after Crevimo™ was introduced, that he found his cure. He started being able to focus in class. Not only that, but he was also able to automatically memorize all the lessons taught. Now, he is the top student in school!

Teresa Stevens, WA

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Doubtful at first, I tried using Crevimo™, and looking back now I’m glad I did! You know how most people have insomnia. I had the complete opposite. I couldn’t stop sleeping. Every time I would wake up, I felt super moody and groggy. This made me start taking it out on everyone, no matter the situation or the person.  But because of Crevimo™, my sleep returned to normal, and I was able to keep my mood better than ever. In return, I was able to have a better work performance and got my dream promotion!

Keith Douglas, NY

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