Sleep Balancing - Krystal Gem

The Boy Who Has Never Witnessed The Sunrise, Living In a World of Endless Slumber

When Greg Johnson was born, he was an ordinary, active child. He had a tendency to nap often but his mother thought it was normal.

“Kids sleep all the time don’t they?”

“I thought he was just tired.”

- Brenda Johnson, Greg’s mother

The Boy Who Couldn’t Stay Awake

But it soon became clear that things were far from normal with Greg, because he continued to fall asleep randomly even as he grew older whether in class or right in the middle of a game.

When he woke up, he was often distraught and confused, sometimes crying and screaming in the confusion.

“It’s frustrating for him, and it’s heartbreaking to see.”

“It’s gotten so bad that I have to keep an eye on him all the time.”

“Because I’m afraid he’ll fall asleep in a potentially dangerous situation.”

- Brenda Johnson, Greg’s mother

It all came to a head one day when Greg fell asleep while riding his bicycle and rode out in the middle of the road. Luckily there were no cars at the time, but the incident shook Brenda, who realized she had to do something about it.

She took Greg to different doctors, but none of them could definitively diagnose his condition. Instead they prescribed medicines to treat his symptoms, which were expensive and proved ineffective.

The Overworked Brain

This continued until Dr. Sylvia Rosenberg, a neurologist with 30 years experience, heard about Greg’s story and invited him over to help with his condition.

She performed a brain scan and this was what she discovered:

“Greg’s brain shows an inhibited hypothalamus, which regulates the sleep-wake cycles.”

“If impaired, neurons that signal the wake cycle may not work properly, resulting in lasting sleepiness and poor control of REM Sleep.”

“To make matters worse, the stress from his confused sleep cycle overstimulates his amygdala, the part of the brain that processes emotions and stress.”

“Which explains the terrors Greg sometimes experiences when waking up.”

“Resulting in overproduction of hormones which further suppresses the hypothalamus.”

“Prolonging and worsening Greg’s condition.”

- Dr. Rosenberg, Neurologist

The Piraha, The Tribe Who Scorn Sleep

Greg’s condition reminded Dr. Rosenberg of her research in South America, where she studied the Piraha, also known as the “Sleepless Tribe”.

“I spent time living with the Piraha and took part in their daily activities.”

“Everyone in the tribe works hard every day to contribute.”

“But I quickly noticed that the Piraha barely sleep despite all the hard work they do.”

“If they do, it’s only for 15 minutes to 2 hours at most but they’re still full of energy.”

“In fact, they felt it was crazy that people in the cities sleep up to 6-8 hours a day!”

“The thing was, I also didn’t really feel the need to sleep while I was there.”

- Dr. Rosenberg, Neurologist

Her guide, Kaaxáoi explains the Piraha’s view on sleep.

“Our people believe that sleeping too long is dangerous as we live in a place filled with dangerous animals.”

“So we avoid it to stay vigilant.”

“Instead, we spend our nights talking and singing to keep the beasts away!”

- Kaaxáoi, Piraha Guide

Palo De Rosa, The Vitality Of The Forest

Curious, Dr. Rosenberg observed the tribe further and she noticed the wood they burned every night had a unique scent. When asked, Kaaxáoi said it was the Palo De Rosa, a wood important to the tribe.

“They believe that it allows them to tap into the forest’s vitality.”

“And the scent had a very refreshing quality, energizing me when I breathed it in.”

“Keeping me awake even through the night with little ill-effects.”

“I believe it functions like an incense, boosting their energetic lifestyle.”

- Dr. Rosenberg, Neurologist

Greg’s Wake-Up Call

Recalling her experience with the Piraha, Dr. Rosenberg was able to get some Palo De Rosa wood. She created a prototype by distilling the wood’s essence into oil and gave it to Brenda, instructing her to rub it on Greg’s temple daily.

Within days, Greg was able to stay awake without a hint of sleepiness at all! He was finally able to regain control over his body, able to control when to fall asleep. Sleeping has also become restful for Greg and he no longer had any panic attacks when waking up. Greg eventually became happy and energetic.

“Greg’s finally able to just be a normal kid!”

“Playing around the house with his siblings and joining in activities.”

“I can’t stop crying because I’m so glad for him!”

- Brenda Johnson, Greg’s mother

When brought in for examination, scans of Greg’s brain showed drastic improvement.

“All the indicators show the brain of a healthy young boy.”

“His brain activity levels are all excellent.”

“It worked better than I could have hoped for!”

- Dr. Rosenberg, Neurologist

The Science Behind Palo De Rosa

In-depth analysis on Palo De Rosa done in Dr. Rosenberg’s lab revealed:

“Palo De Rosa contains compounds that boost brain health.”

“The most important of which is linalool.”

“It acts as a neuroprotector, functioning similarly to anti-depressants by protecting the brain from oxidative stress.”

“This exerts a calming effect on the brain, preventing over-stimulation of stress areas in the brain like the amygdala.”

“This allows the brain to restore vital functions.”

“Including production of hormones that regulate the sleep-wake cycle like in Greg’s case.”

- Dr. Rosenberg, Neurologist

The Creation Of Avania™

Realizing the potential this had to help people, Dr. Rosenberg worked with a team of experts and the latest steam distillation technology.

Together, they were able to create Avania™!

“Made with the purest oil extracted from the bark of Palo De Rosa, Avania™ contains high concentrations of linalool.”

“Which soothes your brain of external stresses, preventing your brain from going into overdrive.”

“Restoring functions back to optimal levels.”

“The linalool flooding your brain also induces a calming effect that makes concentrating and focus easier!”

“Letting you fight off the heavy, muddled feeling that usually comes with working continuously for hours.”

“Whether it’s staying awake or staying sharp, Avania™ gives you that much-needed boost.”

- Dr. Rosenberg, Creator of Avania™

A Success Story

In clinical trials, 94.8% of participants reported improvements after using Avania™. Among them is army veteran Nathaniel Taylor who shared his experience:

“After 30 years with the army, I get prone to panic attacks when startled.”

“The doctors confirmed that I have PTSD.”

“And it’s making it hard for me to function normally as small things like a sudden car horn could make me freak out.”

“All that changed after I tried Avania™.”

“I felt calmer and I don’t startle easily anymore.”

“Even when I do, the panic attacks don’t happen anymore.”

“Thanks to Avania™, I’m able to retake control of my life.”

- Nathaniel Taylor

Avania™ has been a huge success since its launch, helping over 800,000 people worldwide. But supply is limited as the Palo De Rosa tree is a protected species, with only amount allowed for harvest annually, making mass production difficult.

So Dr. Rosenberg is working in partnership with the Piraha to ethically source the wood.

Get yours now before it runs out and become the best version of you!

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