Out Double - Krystal Gem
Discover The Baby Who Was Born With His Brain
Outside His Skull

Formed an extra brain while in his mother’s womb, this “two-headed” baby finally returned home with only one.

After eight years of marriage, this woman surprised her husband on their anniversary that they were finally having a baby.

As if being pregnant with one baby wasn't exciting enough, she was growing two little lives at the same time in her womb!

Eager to find out the gender of her twins, she anticipated her 20th-week ultrasound:

"After finding out that Diane was having a boy, we struggled to identify the gender of the other twin. Upon conducting further scans, we discovered that we misdiagnosed her for being pregnant with twins."

“Unfortunately, Diane’s baby has a birth defect known as Encephalocele, which caused a part of his brain tissue to grow outside through the opening of his tiny skull.”

“This made it seem like he had an extra head and I’ve never seen a case like this before. We had no choice but to recommend a termination to protect Diane’s wellbeing and her ability to carry a child again in the future.”

“Also, it is unlikely that her baby would survive the pregnancy. Even if he did, there was a high chance of him developing infections and becoming severely disabled.”

-Dr. Hall, 41, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department (OB-GYN)

Lifesaving Procedure On His “Second Mind”

Saddened by the news, Diane and her husband initially decided to abort their baby. But a day before the termination, a miracle happened:

“My baby was kicking intensely inside of me. It felt like he was telling me that he wanted to live! God gave us this gift and we will help him fight for survival.”

-Diane, 32

Months later, Diane finally gave birth to Caleb:

“Due to the huge mass on Caleb’s head, my only option was to have a c-section. I was in so much pain during labor but every minute was worth it.”

“Although Caleb looks different from other babies, I’m grateful that he made it and I love him so much.”

-Diane, 32

Meanwhile, the chief of pediatric neurosurgery, Dr. Smith immediately planned the first-of-its-kind surgery to save Caleb:

“The growth on Caleb’s head was growing so rapidly that it was leaking. If not removed, it will rupture on its own and risk his life.”

“However, the procedure is not so simple because we discovered that it contains some brain structures which are vital for his survival.”

“So, our aim is to find a way to insert the growth back into his skull. However, although it may help save Caleb’s life, the impact of removing a part of his brain may cause him to have slower development.”

-Dr. Smith, 53, Pediatric Neurosurgeon

After weeks of preparation, two-month-old Caleb was wheeled into the operating theatre to undergo the riskiest surgery this hospital has ever done.

Nine grueling hours later, Dr. Smith successfully separated Caleb’s healthy brain cells from the non-functioning tissue on his “second brain” and placed it back into his skull.

Although Caleb regained his life, when he turned three years old, his condition after the surgery was as though he hadn’t undergone it. He became nonverbal and couldn’t sit up or stand on his own.

One day, Caleb suddenly had a seizure attack and was rushed to the hospital. But despite four follow-up surgeries, several medications, and intensive rehabilitation, they were all ineffective.

World’s Earliest Female Doctor

However, Dr. Smith didn’t give up on Caleb. Weeks later, he came across a story about how ancient Egypt’s first female doctor, Lady Peseshet treated a boy who was born with a condition that caused him to never grow a brain but only a brain stem.

Without any modern medication, his brain miraculously expanded by up to 90%! To uncover the truth, Dr. Smith immediately traveled to Egypt:

“The local historian handed me a translated version of Lady Peseshet’s ancient medical text, which contains the recipe for an oil paste that she made to wrap around the head of a boy who was born without a brain.”

“It was said that after this treatment, he suddenly woke up after being bathed and dressed.”

-Dr. Smith, 53, Pediatric Neurosurgeon

Feeling doubtful, Dr. Smith had no choice but to try this final option. So, he decided to make his own version of the healing paste. After three months of applying it to Caleb’s head, Dr. Smith conducted MRI scans on him:

“Before this, his brain oxygen level was minimal to none. But his latest MRI scans revealed increased oxygen saturation and neuronal activity in various regions.”

“Also, his overall brain volume had grown in size!”

-Dr. Smith, 53, Pediatric Neurosurgeon

Leveo™: Modernized Ancient Egyptian Mind Elixir

After conducting lab tests on the paste’s composition, Dr. Smith discovered that the main ingredient is Egyptian Sandalwood.

It contains the highest concentration of sesquiterpenes, a brain-healing compound that heals the mind. So, Dr. Smith decided to improvise the traditional recipe by partnering with the nation's top biochemists.

Using the latest steam distillation method, they extracted the highest quality sandalwood extracts. That is how Leveo™, a multi-powered essential oil was created.

Dr. Smith explains the science behind his invention:

“When the brain sustains damage, it can disrupt neuronal connections. This results in debilitating cognitive effects such as impaired decision-making, seizures, and inability to move.”

“In order to reverse this, high levels of oxygen are required to stimulate dormant neurons and push the brain to rewire itself.”

-Dr. Smith, 53, Pediatric Neurosurgeon

Leveo™ was formulated to contain triple the number of sesquiterpenes. With the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, it increases the levels of oxygen in the brain by up to 28% to rebuild injured brain cells while generating dendritic growth in millions of neurons. This helps to achieve mental resilience and peak brain performance, as well as triggering positive emotional responses.

Leveo™ Receives The Seal Of Approval From Users Worldwide

Since its debut, more than 341,096 units of Leveo™ were sold globally. Furthermore, 99.8% of users reported improved overall cognitive health and mental clarity.

After Caleb first tried Leveo™, his mother was eager to share his miraculous recovery:

“This journey was overwhelming and I’m so proud of Caleb. Before this, we were scared that he might leave us anytime but thanks to Dr. Smith’s creation, Leveo™, although a part of his brain was removed, he is still thriving.”

“Now, Caleb has completely stopped having seizures. He has hit all his milestones, including walking, and talking. Today, he is more advanced academically compared to his peers.”

“Recently, he was named the youngest child astronomer in the world, speaking in seminars with the nation’s top space figures.”

“With Leveo™, our precious son has accomplished everything that doctors said he wouldn’t and beyond.”

-Diane, 32

Statistically, it is estimated that more than 5.3 million U.S. citizens are living with a disability as a result of a traumatic brain injury.

This inspired Dr. Smith to continue helping them by providing up to 80% for a limited time only. Make the impossible possible with Leveo™. It’s never too late to unlock the mind’s full potential.

Click on the link below to find out more!